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Hubpages Review: How Hubpages Becomes a Healing Ground

Updated on October 29, 2011

I bet you know this to be true in your hearts but have never really focused on the matter. Or maybe you started out using hubpages as a means of income and later on discovered its ability to become a venue of expression for pent up feelings or unresolved issues in your life. And maybe for most of us it has become a place to find answers to our current situation not just through the articles and forums but through comments left by people as well. What I like most is the fact that the people around here seem to be the no-non-sense beings. One, therefore, feels secure enough to be truthful. This atmosphere provides good ground for allowing oneself to experience the joy of finding friends from across the universe.

This may seem mushy and all, but I have been a witness to how this network has effectively become a healing ground, courtesy of some of my personal friends who are members. Hubpages does wonders in nourishing the mind, body, heart and spirit where healing takes place. And no, I am not getting a special commission from the staff for making this hub.

1. HUBBING IN MIND. Most people join network communities to help augment whatever online business they have. This alone helps the members with their financial concerns. Getting new concepts, ideas, philosophies, tips and guides from other members feed creative thinking allowing them to get out of the box. The constant flow of new information paves the way to discovering paths to living a more successful and happy life. Healing, after all, has much to do with the mind - it all starts with a thought.

Deepak Chopra on Healing Quest

2. HUBBING IN BODY. When thoughts of good health pervade the mind then you can be sure the body follows suit. You will be drawn to open hubs that deal with health matters, food recipes, tips on workout and the like.

You may just find the right regimen for your particular need. The healing process moves on to feeling better about yourself, as you achieve success in whatever health and fitness program you choose to do.

ripplemaker doing what she does best -- touching people with healing love, in this case, a member of the cast hours before performance time.
ripplemaker doing what she does best -- touching people with healing love, in this case, a member of the cast hours before performance time.

3.HUBBING IN THE HEART. The body is our very own personal pharmacy (producing chemicals needed in response to bodily functions) and would be able to supply us with every need if our emotions are just in the right place. Reading hubs, creating one, commenting on some and participating in the right forums can get us to the feeling place of love, joy, peace, gratitude, hope, trust, faith, triumph, encouragement and the like where healthy happy cells are bound to be produced or renewed. Read the hubs of ripplemaker and you'd be in the right feeling place which will lead you to get in touch with your true spirit.

4. HUBBING SPIRIT. Believe me, the spirit in which you write transcends time and space and reveals much of where you are at this point in your life. Your personal truth is that which emanates in your words. Hubpages is the sacred ground for which you may reach a level of awareness of who you truly are, devoid of all pretenses and masks then learn to love this spiritual being that forms your very essence. Healing continues in Hubpages. Enjoy the adventure of healing!

Daisy Ba-ad


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